We are now meeting in our Sanctuary at 9:30 am for contemporary and 11:00 am for traditional services on Sundays. We invite you to attend our coffee fellowship time in the Wesley room after services.
Join us for worship on Sundays at 9:30 am for contemporary service and 11:00 for traditional service on You Tube or Facebook
You may also visit our archive of recorded worship services.
Worship in the FALL
9:30 am Contemporary worship
11:00 am Traditional worship
Opportunities for Children and youth during Worship on Sunday
Children and youth acolyte each week in the traditional service. They wear robes, lead the choir in and light candles on the altar.
Watch for more updated news about programs for children and youth.
Children’s Ministry: Learning and Service
The Christian Education department will offer a new program called Children’s Fellowship during worship each Sunday in person downstairs in the Friendship Room. This invites children (Pre-k through 5th grade) to come to a safe place, where they can fellowship with others, learn about God, and grow in their faith.
Serve in worship
Altar Guild
Members of the Altar Guild prepare the altar in the Sanctuary for worship services by caring for and placing the linens, polishing brass and cleaning candelabra.
Choirs & Music Groups
The Sanctuary Choir is our primary vocal chorus and they provide musical leadership at the 11:00 “Covenant” traditional worship service, in addition to music offered on organ and piano.
Communion Stewards
The main responsibility of the Communion Stewards is to prepare and remove the elements (bread & juice) that are used for Communion.
Flower Guild
Flowers for all worship services are purchased and arranged by members of the Flower Guild. Members also do arrangements for weddings, funerals and special events for a reasonable charge. Anyone who is interested can join – no experience necessary. Contact: Mary Alice Gray, Margaret Weller or Mary Reed.
Lay Readers
Lay readers are volunteers who are trained to assist in worship by reading scripture and liturgy.
A team of ushers and greeters at each service welcomes worshippers on Sunday, assists anyone needing directions or physical assistance and collects the offering.
Tech Team
Both services need people to monitor the sound board and work the cameras used during the service. Contact the church office (office@chevychaseumc.org) if interested.
Nursery care is for infants through age 2 by experienced childcare workers. Available all morning in Room 212.