

“Your kingdom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

– Jesus praying in Matthew 6:10

Citizenship Class

Citizenship Classes *Citizenship will take a short break. Classes will resume on Saturday, January 6, 2024* There are many citizenship classes in the DC-MD-VA area.  Some are paid, some are free, some are weekdays, some weekend, some daytime and some at night. We feel that ours is a little different because of the individual attention given to the students.  Church and community members serve as mentors for students so that each person gets individual attention in reading and learning the…

United Women in Faith

United WOMEN in Faith Women of all ages of CCUMC enjoy fellowship while learning and working together. Many meet in small groups monthly for fellowship, to work on a project, or study a specific topic like climate change or Israeli- Palestinians relations. UWF programs are mission-oriented.  ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ Quarterly ProgramsAll women are invited to programs held every quarter, often on Saturdays. Recent topic have included human trafficking, our mission in Nicaragua, hunger issues, and spiritually.  Small Group Meetings There are…

Inclusive & Reconciling Ministry

At Chevy Chase UMC, we believe we are all children of God and seek to include all people in the life of the church without exclusion. After a formal process of discernment, learning and discussion, in October 2016 the church body voted overwhelmingly to become a Reconciling congregation and updated our Welcoming Statement to read- What are Reconciling Ministries?

Care Bags

CCUMC CaresWe provide small “Care” bags for members to hand out to homeless they pass as they travel throughout the area. The zip-lock baggies are filled with small bottles of water, cereal bars, applesauce and other snacks plus a card listing support agencies in the area. The contents are contributed by church members and the mission committee and the bags are filled by groups of volunteers.

Church Covenant Groups

Church covenant groups Dear fellow members of CCUMC, We would like to ask for input from our membership about how worship and church activities will serve our members best coming out of the pandemic.  We want to preserve what we value in our traditional rituals and practices, but we also want to have fellowship in different ways and add new activities.  Technology has allowed us to continue worshiping together and connecting for fellowship over the last two years, and we want to…


The Missions and Social Concerns Committee coordinates the church’s efforts to extend the love of Christ to the communities in which we live (local, regional and global). The following are specific programs: Rise Against Hunger Missionary in Nicaragua CCUMC sponsors Dr. Belinda Forbes, a missionary with the General Board of Global Ministries of the United Methodist Church serving in Managua, Nicaragua with Accion Medica Cristiana (Christian Medical Action). Belinda is a dentist and many members of the church have been…