The word confirmation means “to make firmer or stronger.” Confirmation is offered every other year at CCUMC. Youth in 7th through 8th grades through confirmation are invited to claim faith in Jesus Christ for themselves. (This year’s class will be open to youth through 12th grade to make up for past cancellations due to covid.) Confirmation helps youth learn more about what it means to follow Jesus’ message, provides a safe space for them to ask tough questions, and find meaning and purpose with a group of peers.
Our confirmation program includes regular meeting sessions, mentor relationships with an adult in the congregation, opportunities for learning about Christian beliefs and practices, and the invitation to serve as youth leaders at CCUMC.
Confirmation in The United Methodist Church is an opportunity for your teenage student(s) to explore what it means to belong to and participate in a church community of faith. This exploration includes reflecting on the basic tenets of the Christian faith, grappling with the mysteries of divine truth professed by the church throughout our history, and creating a safe space for all kinds of theological questions.
Through confirmation, we hope that teens will only learn about God, will come to know God more personally, and claim the name Christian for themselves.
This year’s confirmands will be confirmed on Pentecost, May 28, 2023.