


Support our mission to change lives and transform the world by making an online gift.

  • Give a one-time gift
  • Schedule recurring giving
  • Give online through our secure service

CCUMC has been receiving donations electronically since March 2012. Our eGiving provider is Vanco, officially recommended by the United Methodist General Council of Finance and Administration and a trusted provider for over 22,000 churches.

Since last spring, more and more of our members and friends began making recurring or one-time gifts through eGiving. Recurring gifts are pledges. Non-recurring gifts are often given as a memorial gift, for one of our many missions such as A Wider Circle, Vacation Bible School, Special Sundays, Christmas and Easter flowers or Youth Missions.

Members and friends who used to write checks weekly or monthly have found electronic donations an easy and comfortable way to achieve their stewardship giving. Today nearly 30% of donations to the church are received through eGiving.

There are two eGiving options: online through a laptop or PC, or through Give Plus+ Mobile on their smartphone or tablet device. Mobile is accessed via an App from the Apple App Store or the Google Play Store. We will soon have a text option that will allow making donations directly from any phone with texting capabilities.

If you would like additional information about eGiving, please contact April de Bremond at 301-652-8700 or