Our Story
You are welcome here.
Chevy Chase United Methodist Church has stood at the corner of Connecticut Avenue and Shepherd Street since 1912. Our community of faith seeks to be a welcoming beacon throughout the Chevy Chase neighborhood and around the world. We believe God calls us to be a welcoming outreach to every person. This is our welcome to you:
We seek to share God’s message of grace with all people. And we believe that Jesus Christ calls us to love one another without exception or exclusion. No matter your race or ethnicity, age or abilities, sexual orientation or gender identity, marital or family situation, financial circumstances or faith history, we joyfully offer our hospitality and invite you to participate fully in the life of our church community. You are welcome here.
For more than a century, CCUMC has sponsored and hosted Scout Troop 255 in addition to scouting groups for girls and boys, followed with similar scouting programs for girls, organized and sponsored a Pre-School with thousands of “graduates,” and provided a strong helping hand to the needy of all ages and conditions.
Our 1954 Sanctuary is a sacred space. One of the most beautiful edifices in the area, and regularly hosts baptisms, weddings, and memorial services for all who seek them. Christian worship comes in both traditional and contemporary styles, supported by enlightening music and choral voices. Join us on Sunday mornings.
Three generations of parishioners have cherished our women’s programs, joined friends and neighbors in a variety of community services, chipped in with our rummage sales and holiday bazaars to support mission outreach, and gathered to assist and support those who seek solace. We have gladly gone into the inner city to restore more than a dozen homes of the elderly and infirm. We are currently tutoring immigrants seeking American citizenship.
We are a warm and caring congregation with more than a century of Christian service. Members of our congregation and leadership teams have taken pilgrimages to the Holy Land, served as chaplains in the military and the U.S. House of Representatives, counseled new generations of clergy, and served as valued examples for all to follow.
We invite you to join us as we seek to follow Jesus and grow in love and service as a community of faith.