We have opportunities for adults of all ages to gather together for education and fellowship.
Please be touch with the church office to find out what study groups are currently meeting. (301) 652-8700
Program and Lunch for Seniors (PALS)
Seniors gather quarterly for a program and a light lunch. Programs cover a variety of topics. Although geared toward seniors, people of all ages are welcome.
Saturday Morning Men’s Group
The group meets from 7:30-9:00 a.m. on Zoom most Saturdays, with the purpose of supporting each other as Christian men to recognize God’s presence, seek God’s guidance, and give thanks for the rich blessings in their lives. Please contact Bob Levering( if you’d like to join.
United Women in Faith
Women of all ages enjoy fellowship, learning, and service. Current programs include monthly dinner gatherings and raising funds at the annual Holiday Bazaar for local and international missions. See the United Women in Faith for more information.